Proxy Frequently Asked Questions

What is a proxy?

An internet proxy is an intermediary server that acts as a gateway between a user and the internet. When a user requests a web page or other online content, the request is sent to the proxy server first, which then retrieves the content from the internet on behalf of the user.
Proxy servers are commonly used for a variety of purposes, including improving network performance by caching frequently requested content, filtering and blocking unwanted or malicious content, and providing anonymity for users by masking their IP address and other identifying information.
There are various types of internet proxies, such as HTTP proxies, SOCKS proxies, and SSL/TLS proxies, each with different capabilities and use cases.

What are the different types of proxies?

HTTP Proxy: An HTTP proxy is a proxy server that is designed to handle HTTP requests. It is commonly used for web browsing, and it can cache web pages and other online content to improve performance. HTTP proxies can also filter content and block unwanted websites.
HTTPS Proxy: An HTTPS proxy is a proxy server that is specifically designed to handle HTTPS (secure) traffic. HTTPS proxies provide an extra layer of security by encrypting the traffic between the user and the proxy server using SSL/TLS (Secure Sockets Layer/Transport Layer Security) protocol
SOCKS Proxy: A SOCKS proxy is a proxy server that is designed to handle all types of internet traffic, including email, FTP, and other protocols. Unlike an HTTP proxy, it does not have built-in support for caching or filtering content. Instead, it simply relays traffic between the user and the internet.

What are the different anonymity levels of a proxy?

There are three main anonymity levels of proxies: Transparent, Anonymous, and Elite.

1. Transparent Proxy: This type of proxy server does not provide any anonymity to the user. It does not hide the user's IP address or any other identifying information. Instead, it simply forwards the request to the internet and receives the response. omits ALL transparent proxies.
2. Anonymous Proxy: This type of proxy server provides some degree of anonymity to the user. It masks the user's IP address and replaces it with the IP address of the proxy server. However, it may still transmit some identifying information, such as cookies, http-headers, and user-agent strings to the destination server.
3. Elite Proxy: This type of proxy server provides a high level of anonymity to the user. It completely hides the user's IP address and other identifying information, making it appear as if the request is coming directly from the proxy server itself.
4. Elite High Anonymous Proxy: This special type of proxy server provides the highest level of anonymity to the user. It completely hides the user's IP address and other identifying information, making it appear as if the request is coming directly from the proxy server itself. Additionally the IP address coming from the proxy server changes between several addresses adding another layer of anonymity to the proxy user.

How do I use a proxy server with my browser or application?

To use a proxy server with your browser or application, follow these general steps:

1. Obtain the IP address and port number of the proxy server you want to use. This information may be obtained from a priave or public proxy server list.
2. Open your browser or application settings and locate the network settings. This may be under the "Advanced" or "Preferences" section.
3. In the network settings, look for an option to set up a proxy server. This may be labeled as "Proxy settings," "Connection settings," or similar.
4. Choose the type of proxy server you want to use: HTTP or SOCKS. This will depend on the type of proxy server you are connecting to and its capabilities.
5. Enter the IP address and port number of the proxy server in the appropriate fields. If the proxy server requires authentication, enter your username and password as well.
6. Save your settings and restart your browser or application. Your traffic should now be routed through the proxy server you specified.
Note that the specific steps may vary depending on your browser or application, and some applications may not support proxy servers at all. Also, keep in mind that not all proxy servers are created equal, and some may be more reliable or secure than others. It's important to choose a reputable proxy server and test its speed and reliability before using it for sensitive activities. Refer to our proxy usage guide for more information on proxy use.

Why Should I use a proxy?

There are several reasons why someone might want to use a proxy:

1. Anonymity: When you use a proxy server, your IP address and other identifying information are hidden from the websites and services you access. This can help protect your privacy and prevent tracking of your online activities.
2. Access Control: Some websites or services may be restricted or blocked based on your geographic location, network, or other factors. Using a proxy server can help bypass these restrictions and access content that would otherwise be unavailable.
3. Security: Proxy servers can provide an additional layer of security by filtering and blocking malicious content, preventing attacks such as Distributed Denial of Service (DDoS), and hiding your IP address from potential attackers.
4. Performance: By caching frequently requested content, a proxy server can improve network performance and reduce latency, especially for users in remote locations or with limited bandwidth.

However, it's important to note that using a proxy server may also have some drawbacks, such as reduced speed, reliability, and potential security risks if the proxy server is not properly configured or maintained.

How do I troubleshoot issues with connecting to or using a proxy server?

If you are experiencing issues with connecting to or using a proxy server, here are some general troubleshooting steps you can follow:

1. Check your proxy server settings: Make sure you have entered the correct IP address and port number for your proxy server in your browser or application settings. If you are not sure what the correct settings are, contact your network administrator or proxy server provider.
2. Test the proxy server connection: Use a tool like to test the speed and reliability of your proxy server. If the connection fails or the server is slow, try connecting to a different server or contacting your provider for assistance.
3. Check your internet connection: Ensure that your internet connection is working correctly and that you are not experiencing any network outages or issues.
4. Check for firewall or antivirus issues: Your firewall or antivirus software may be blocking your connection to the proxy server. Check your settings to ensure that your browser or application is allowed to connect to the internet through the proxy server.
5. Clear your browser cache and cookies: If you are experiencing issues with a specific website or application, clearing your browser cache and cookies may help resolve the issue.
6. Try a different browser or application: If you are experiencing issues with a specific browser or application, try using a different one to see if the issue persists.
7. Contact support: If you have tried these troubleshooting steps and are still experiencing issues, contact your network administrator or proxy server provider for assistance.
Remember that not all proxy servers are created equal, and some may be more reliable or secure than others. It's important to choose a reputable proxy server and test its speed and reliability before using it for sensitive activities.

How do I set up my own proxy server?

1. Choose the type of proxy server you want to set up. The two main types are HTTP and SOCKS proxies. Note, that setting up and maintaining a proxy server can be a time-consuming and technically challenging task if you're not familiar with server and networking concepts.
2. Choose the software you want to use to set up the proxy server. There are many open-source and commercial software options available, such as Squid, Nginx, and Apache.
3. Install the software on a server or virtual machine. The server should have a reliable internet connection and sufficient resources to handle the traffic you expect to receive.
4. Configure the software to your desired settings. This may include setting up authentication, configuring logging and monitoring, and specifying any filtering or caching rules.
5. Test the proxy server to ensure it is working correctly. You can use tools like to test the speed and reliability of your server.